How Much Cardio Do You Need to Keep Your Heart Healthy?

We all know cardio is good for our hearts, but how much do you really need? Let’s break it down and find out how to keep your heart in tip top shape without overdoing it.

The Basics: 150 Minutes a Week

According to the American Heart Association, the magic number is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week. This could be anything from brisk walking to cycling or swimming. If you prefer more intense workouts, aim for 75 minutes of vigorous activity, like running or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Spread It Out

You don’t need to do all your cardio in one go. Spread it out over the week—30 minutes a day, five days a week, is a great way to hit your goal. And remember, you don’t have to do it all at once; even 10-minute bursts of activity count!

Mix It Up

Cardio doesn’t have to be boring. Mix up your activities to keep things interesting—try dancing, hiking, or even playing a sport. The key is to keep your heart rate up and have fun while doing it.

Listen to Your Body

It’s important to challenge yourself, but also to listen to your body. If you’re just starting out or recovering from an illness, like COVID-19, ease into your routine and gradually increase the intensity. Your heart will thank you for it!

Keep Your Feet Fresh with Wellow

As you ramp up your cardio, don’t forget about your feet! Wellow Compression Socks are designed to keep your legs and feet fresh and dry as you sweat it out. Plus, they provide the energizing support you need during your workouts, helping you go the distance without discomfort.

Cardio is essential for heart health, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right amount of exercise, a mix of activities, and the support of Wellow Compression Socks, you’ll be well on your way to a happy heart and a healthy body.

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