The 5 Best Lazy Workout Moves

We all know staying active is important, but sometimes you just don’t feel like hitting the gym, leaving the house, or doing much at all.

Enter the lazy workout: moves that require minimal effort but still get you moving. Whether you’re short on time or just feeling a bit low-energy, these fitness hacks are perfect for getting a bit of exercise in without breaking a sweat (too much, anyway).

Couch Tricep Dips

Yes, you can work out while binge-watching your favorite show! Sit on the edge of your couch or chair with your hands on the edge, shoulder-width apart. Slide your feet out in front of you, supporting your weight on your arms. Lower yourself down until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle, then push back up to the starting position.

Wall Sits

If you’ve got a wall, you’ve got a workout. Wall sits are a great way to tone your thighs and glutes without moving a muscle (literally). Just press your back against the wall, slide down into a seated position, and hold for as long as you can. But beware, it’s tougher than it sounds!

Bedside Planks

Rolling out of bed doesn’t mean you can’t sneak in a quick workout. Planks are a great full-body move you can do right next to your bed. Get into a push-up position, hold your body straight, and engage your core. Hold for 30 seconds, or as long as you can, to start your day with a bit of strength training.

Chair Squats

This one’s a classic lazy move. Stand in front of a sturdy chair, lower yourself into a squat until you’re just hovering above the seat, then stand back up. It’s an easy way to work your lower body without needing any special equipment. Plus, you can do it while waiting for your coffee to brew.

Couch Leg Lifts

When you’re lying down, either in bed, on the couch or on the floor, try adding some leg lifts to your routine. Simply lift one leg at a time, holding it in the air for a few seconds before lowering it. It’s a gentle way to work your lower abs and thighs, all while staying horizontal.

With these lazy workout moves, you can stay active even on your most low-energy days. They’re easy, quick, and perfect for fitting in a bit of fitness without needing to leave the comfort of your home. And for an extra boost of energy and circulation, slipping on a pair of Wellow Compression Socks can help make these moves even more effective! Happy (lazy) moving.

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