Why You Should Wear Compression Socks During Pregnancy: Comfort & Care for Moms-To-Be

Ah, pregnancy! A journey filled with excitement, glow, and...well, let's be honest, some not-so-glamorous moments like swollen ankles and tired legs. Enter compression socks—a game-changer for those rocking the baby bump. Let’s dive into why these snug wonders are a must-have for every expectant mom.

these snug wonders are a must-have for every expectant mom

What's the Big Deal About Compression Socks?
Think of compression socks as a gentle hug for your legs. Unlike regular socks, they provide graduated pressure, with the tightest compression at the ankles, decreasing up the leg. This helps to push blood back up towards the heart, reducing swelling and discomfort.

This helps to push blood back up towards the heart, reducing swelling and discomfort.

How Do They Work Their Magic?
According to Healthline, your body produces about 50 percent more blood when you're pregnant, so it's not surprising that you might have swelling from all of that extra fluid. By gently squeezing the legs, compression socks can alleviate symptoms like tired, achy legs, and swollen feet and ankles.

compression socks can alleviate symptoms like tired, achy legs, and swollen feet and ankles.

Keeping Varicose Veins at Bay
Pregnancy increases the risk of developing varicose veins due to the increased blood volume and hormonal changes affecting blood vessels. Compression socks help mitigate this risk by ensuring proper blood flow, reducing your chance of developing those twisty varicose veins.

Compression socks help mitigate this risk by ensuring proper blood flow

Better Circulation, Happier Mommy
Improved circulation is vital during pregnancy. Compression socks help in maintaining a healthy blood flow, reducing the risk of blood clots, a condition known as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which pregnant women are at a higher risk for.

Compression socks help in maintaining a healthy blood flow, reducing the risk of blood clots

Just the Right Squeeze
While you might not need compression socks early in your pregnancy, you can safely wear them as you reach the end of your second trimester and throughout your third trimester. Unlike traditional 20-30 level compression socks, Wellow’s 18-25 level compression socks offer a more gentle squeeze that makes wearing compression socks all day long a breeze. 

Wellow socks also feature soft, stretchable viscose from bamboo fibers which makes them breathable, too—super important for expectant mothers on the go. Our socks are also moisture-wicking, meaning feet stay cool and dry all day long.

Say goodbye to the woes of swollen, achy legs during pregnancy! With Wellow compression socks, you can stride through your pregnancy with more comfort and less pain.

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